Nutramara’s marine molecules are designed for next generation clean, sustainable, healthy consumer products for daily life

The Ocean is one of the most diverse sources of bioactive and functional molecule on earth. Diverse species of algae have survived in the ocean for millennia due to the presence of functional molecules in these plants which carry out key functions such, providing scaffolding and structure, UV protection, powering cell growth and regeneration and immunity benefits.

These molecules which deliver similar benefits for human, animal and plant health have been designed by nature and conserved by evolution, they are structurally complex that they cannot be synthesised in the lab, they can only be isolated.

Brand Lab

NutraMara encompasses the full supply chain from Sea to Self. This includes innovative brand development where the key ingredients...


Seaweed is a fully renewable natural resource with a wide variety of wild organic seaweed species growing in abundance along the Irish Wild Atlantic Way.

The Science

NutraMara’s marine molecules are isolated from a variety of indigenous Irish, organic seaweed species that are sustainably cultivated and harvested by hand on the west coast.

NutraMara's mission is to become a global leader in sustainable marine bioactives and functional ingredients produced via a cascading low carbon closed loop zero waste process.